My Name is Lauren Jean I’m a 41 year old who just started a new job that paid way less than my previous job but way within my limitations. In June 2022 I had minor lower back surgery and April 2023 I had minor neck cervical spine surgery. In the middle of July I get cleared to go back to work and I find a job as a intake social worker helping the homeless and meeting other needs which I really was passionate about because my father who I haven’t seen since I was 26 died and to find out he chose to be homeless and refused our help or even to communicate with me cause I tried in 2020. Any ways he died in March alone in the desert and I just needed to know why he chose the life he chose. So I got the job that would hopefully get me some closure. I loved being back to work and here I am getting back on my feet minding my own business and I got for my 15 week scan and check on my neck tell my job I’ll be back I’m 45 min……… Nope didn’t make it back to work I went to doctors and got admitted for emergency spine surgery they fused my c3-t2 and I didn’t know why till after turns out I had hardware failure and could have died. Thanks to the doctors and surgeons for saving my life but at the same time now I’m in a cto brace can’t work can’t do anything except sit here and sink deeper and deeper in debt. I have car payment insurance electric water trash all gonna be taken or disconnected in October if I don’t come up with a way to pay them. And trust me I have a hard time asking for help but this time I can’t do it my self because I’m braced broken and broker than I’ve been in years. Please help a chic out.