To the generous souls out there, I am literally boxed in. This is my situation.
Last fall, i had to go on disability from overuse knee and shoulder (same side), i am in my 50`s and i work specialized labor. Short term turned into long term. I am currently waiting for surgery. No dates yet.
Then my finances got hit hard. My regular income dropped and currently on disability support. I sold my vehicles ( car and motorcycle) to drop my debt load . I have a older truck that i was able to put insurance on but it needs mechanical work ( about 2000; leaks from manifold, starter, alignment , power steering pump… ). Not much else i could sell as i have not much else of value. I took what i had from my retirement to pay bills over the last few months so i have no savings any longer.
I have been improving my mental and physical health by cutting off toxic habits, doing physio, meditation and yoga plus some walking ( i lost 45 pounds since last fall) but cannot walk too much as my knee is bugging me. So i have no other mode of transportation especially to go to out of town for ex. hospital app./ follow up. Nearest larger town is 1 hr drive. My hospital is 1.5.
My debt load is cornering me at the moment. I haven’t paid my utilities in a few months and negotiating with many of debts holders to give me time. From one payment to the next, i might loose my house. I have approached a different bank for a debt consolidation loan to lower my monthly expenses but i was turned down. My debt load ratio vs income is too much. I did also approach third party lenders and wouldn’t be able to renew my mortgage next year if i take such loans.
Last fall , i started seeing floors in my little house floor shifting. Then it got worse. It is temporary fixed ( with underfloor extra beams and supports piers ) but from speaking to some expert , this could cost me big bucks in near future if not addressed. Somewhere between 10 k all the way to 75k for underpinning helical piers. Cannot afford this. I did approach my financial institution several times to pull equity from my house but they refused. As i am on disability and not enough equity to use. So this past spring , i approached bankruptcy and solvency firms . They suggest to me that i shouldn’t be going down that road and should pull equity . It is a loop really. Trying to go back to work on modified duties and hours to bring some income until surgery but it is without success so far as still not ready. Cannot jeopardize my workplace disability coverage , surgery time then recovery time.
The only other solution was either to foreclose or liquidate assets. If i loose my house, i have nowhere to go. Very little rentals available here and it would cost me more that my current mortgage. Then next year is my mortgage renewal . Which my financial institution will not renegotiate if i am in the same financial situation. My credit score is dropping as well and will impact my ability to renew my mortgage. So i may loose my home regardless. I was suggested to rent a room or the entire house but with my foundation compromised , i cannot rent long term to anyone. I also approached a realtor to potentially sell but i would likely break even or sell at a loss and owe even more. Not sure what to do any longer as i have exhausted most avenues i explored.
I have about less than half a dozen people have helped me which i am grateful for and i owe about 2k to them at the moment. I really want to pull myself out of this . I approach many people and contacted many institutions . My stress level spiked and had many sleepless nights. But focusing on the positive and every little victory . My father was very ill last year in fall time, requiring delicate surgery at 80 yoa and i couldn’t afford to fly from one side of the country to another and bring support . I receive no support from my family but wanted to be present for my father in case the worst happened. I felt pretty desperate last Christmas. I haven’t had time off for myself to do anything fun or go anywhere. No money and too stressed out still. But i keep pushing on as God put these combined challenges in front of me because he knows i can handle it. As this will make me better individual for myself and to others. Any sizes donations will help my situation and i am grateful for any .
thank you all for taking the time to read