Hello everyone.
I’m seriously behind on all of my bills. I recently undergone a major surgery that has me out of work for a few months. I’m a single mother who’s struggling trying to maintain everyday living. My child’s father was also in a terrible accident in December and has since been in rehab to learn to walk again. Without his financial support and my recent heal issues, I need as much help as I can receive. I was able to survive with credit cards, but they have all maxed out now. My family has assisted with as much as they can with food, but their resources are very limited as well. My mortgage is behind several months, I’m unable to make credit card payments, and my internet is being turned off soon if a payment isn’t made. I’m applying to jobs for remote work, but I have not received any call backs as of yet. I’m desperately seeking help to prevent further action on mostly my mortgage.
I have a small child at home and want to make sure she’s properly cared for. My mortgage is just shy of $2000 per month and I’m currently 3 months behind, approaching 4 months if not paid by August 1st. My credit card companies allowed a deferment for 1 month but I have added interest. Each card is behind $1000 (2 cards) that’s due before August 1st. My internet bill is $550 which is 3 months behind. I know I’m behind on a lot of things, but paying for my recent medical emergency has placed me in a serious financial bind. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
PayPal https://paypal.me/whatloveisnt?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US