As of November 2022 my beautiful and strong mother began experiencing some extreme health issues. She start having a hard time breathing and started to need a cane to walk. We had no idea what was going on as she was going to the doctor constantly and passing every test for health as of January of 2023, we were given some harsh news that we really were not ready to handle as a family. My mother was diagnosed with ALS. She is a single mother to me, her only daughter, and was and still is the strongest woman that I have ever met. She has had such a resilient spirit even though she has an extremely aggressive form of ALS and is now unable to move her legs and arms. She is now already permanently unable to move on her own and has Trach inserted in her throat to help her breathe. My son and I are doing what we can to pick up the pieces and keep everything in our house running as smoothly as possible and take care of her the best way we know how. She has not been able to get disability approved yet and we are drowning in house bills and money necessary for supplies in order to take care of her. We can’t afford home health because of how expensive it is which makes us need to work less to make sure that she is OK. We are looking for assistance to provide a buffer until benefits and Medicare programs kick in to help her get the help she needs. Our family will greatly appreciate all help that we get. All money can be sent to: Thank you and bless you all.