So I am 39 years old and I’m from Seattle Washington. I have five kids . my only girl she’s 21. I have four boys ages 20, 19 , 8 and 5, and I just about a year ago well right when the pandemic hit just before the shut down I had an eye exam because my eyes are bad and they told me that I had a mild case of cataracts. They didn’t say that it was anything that I needed to run out and get help with right away so I said OK and then we got stuck in to quarantine and then I kind of just wasn’t able to go back right away, but it was last year that I had noticed like I can’t see in my left eye and it freaked me out for a while and I thought maybe OK maybe it’s just from stressors and I did just hit it when I was trying to build my son a play fort outside. I had hit my eye on a slide metal bar so I thought well shoot maybe I should go get checked out so I went and got checked out and the doctor was pretty brief with me and said well you really shattered your eye. You broke the lens and everything inside of it and had a retinal detachment and now your cataracts is full-blown , and that It was so much that it was unable to be fully examined all the way through without a specialist and so now currently my other eye, the Cataracs is kind of starting to give me signs that is getting worse and I’m fearful that I’m going to be completely blind by the end of the year . My main goal was of course to try to get cataract surgery but I don’t have medical and I don’t have that type of income or the credit to just go and get. A loan so I am unable to get seen by a specialist because they are not pro bono of course so I’ve just been reaching out to organizations I’ve written about 62 emails I’ve applied for numerous grants and I’ve done everything I can with no prevail and since I’m young, I don’t you know get help from people for Cataracs grants because they’re for the elderly and There was one place that was willing to help me , but they are so far away they’re not even in my state so I’m kind of at a loss right now what to do because yes I would be able to do that surgery with $10,000 but I also don’t know if the one eye that was broken is savable, but it would be great to at least try to repair the vision that I did have so that was where I was first going with my ask, but then I went with another ask about help with getting some sort of electric vehicle. Now I know that’s very far out there as far as an ask from somebody but any type of help towards that goal would be amazing because right now I am like I said mother of five and my entire life I’ve spent Pretty difficult you know it’s been a difficult life and so I’ve had to grow up fast and so it’s been me who has been atheist main person of everybody’s lives and I take pride in my children and I want to do nothing but be there for them and my eight year old is in second grade now and my youngest one is going to be going into kindergarten next year and it’s not only different because I’m older this time around but my vision is going bad so bad that I can’t get to my kids anywhere they need to be in time or in one pieces as far as not being frozen to death as we walk somewhere up it’s actually getting really dangerous for me to even walk anywhere because I can’t Just differentiate the difference between distances, so I’m not sure whether a car is going up a certain direction than it really is or where the sidewalk is the other day I fell in the dark as I didn’t know there was a big curve there so distance and judgment on it’s just been really bad I can’t see what the crosswalk sign says so a lot of pressure is going on other family members but I don’t like I said have very many family members and so who I do have around it just on different work schedules and stuff so now I’m kind of stuck at home and I’m just really feeling inadequate and Unable to provide my mom duties like I should and it worries me because there’s been incidences where my kids have been somewhere in an emergency situation and I can’t be there for them because I can’t get to them and I thought well your eyes are pretty important so why would you ask for a car ? and I have to give you an honest answer and it’s just because with that car I know that I still have independence and with that car I know that I can get to my kids safely. I can buy the groceries that I need instead of losing the only money I have with the online order that didn’t come to my house and I can pick up my kids from school and he doesn’t have to be soaking wet when he gets home or carry heavy books home or do any of that and I’d rather have that than my complete eyesight if I had to make a choice because I don’t even need 100% eyesight to be a mom I just need to be there and right now that will be helpful to the family but like I said, I mean my dream is yeah of course to get my i eyes fixed. I would love nothing more I’m 39 I Have quite a bit of life left and that’s a long time to be in the dark so that’s scary on my my mental awareness of it is pretty terrifying but I just want to still be able to be an adult and a human and have my independence and take care of my kids and be there for them and not have to rely on everybody else and feel like such a burden on that one Saturday that everybody has off of work that I need them to get up and run me around and nothing is still even really fully completed. Everybody stressed out and tired and so that’s where I’m at. I am by all means not gonna die if I don’t have it and I’m not thinking that My ask is way more serious then everybody else’s. I just really need some help. I just need a little boost in life so that I can try to navigate life as a low vision or maybe no sight at all person and I don’t know it might be silly but right now it’s just something that I hope I can accomplish. I just don’t want to have people see me fail at everything while I am losing my eyesight because this is something I can’t control and it’s hard.
So that’s my story in a quick little glance, and I appreciate your consideration in helping me because that would be amazing. I’ve been praying that I’m gonna be approached by something that would be able to help change my life for the good and even if you decide not to help me, you still reached out to me in attempt to hear my story and I really really appreciate it. That means the world to me either way.
Bless 😊