Hello everyone. I am in a desperate situation with my health, both physical and mental. I am disabled due to various back issues. In April, I had Lidocaine shots done to try to help with the pain. Instead, they struck a nerve and caused more damage to my back that is affecting my legs more. I spend days laid up in bed in pain, not being able to even eat. I am not able to get in-home assistance where I live at because of my age. The use of my left hand is declining because of damage to the nerves in my arm. With all of this, my depression is getting so bad that I’m losing all hoping on everything.
I have family in the state of Washington who wants me to come and live close to them so they can be there to help. I have managed to be in contact with a moving company and I would be able to lock in a guaranteed price and move of $4,938 now if I can get the money before August 2. After that date, the price will change and there is a chance it will go up. I know this does not leave a lot of time to gather the money up. Anything will be greatly appreciated.