Help with emergency funds and a support dog!
Hello ! My name is Wanda I am 57 years old. I live in Oregon and have a debilitating autoimmune disorder. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Raynauds and autoimmune diabetes. For years I struggled with my conditions while having to work full time. I just pushed myself every day to get up from bed every morning to go to work to make ends meet and be a productive member of society. Aching to my bones, fatigued or not I would put on a brave face and continued with my day until I couldn’t anymore. I had to stop working, I couldn’t drive, had a nasty brain fog, pain and couldn’t get out of bed. My husband had to absorb all my bills having to work over time to avoid being homeless barely making it. This past January I was taken to the ER where they discovered I had a sugar level of 400, and the doctors were amazed I was not in diabetic coma in spite to having Keto Acidosis. My autoimmune system had attacked my liver and it was not producing insulin anymore. I spend the days home sick, in pain and alone, until my husband comes home to help me move around. Never in my life I thought my health and quality of life would be taken away by such an insidious, unrelenting illness. I am reaching out to you, with the hope of getting some funds to help us have a fighting chance. Because of stress and over work my husband has had 2 cardiac incidents and a stent put on this past April. All we have is each other. The dog in the picture is Juniper, a golden retriever living in a lovely farm in Washington State. The owner of the farm asures me she would be a great companion and support dog. She is gentle and eager to work and is quick to learn. She would be able to be a companion and help with retrieving fallen or needed objects when I am by myself. I implore you to consider helping us at this time of necessity in any way you find fair and possible. Thankfully yours 🐾