My name is Shaddainah Lalanne, I am 43 years old. I lost my job back in 2017 when I was living in San Diego California. I was paying bills with credit card and applied for personal loans to survive. After two years I have $75000.00 in debt. I did not want to be homeless I moved to Florida. I found a job in taking care of elders, I started paying my debts. I focus on paying bills with all the money I earned and eat at the soup kitchen with my children. I have four boys from ages 11 to 16
I owed 35000.00 now. I am asking a great heart to give me a second chance to restore my life. I received a letter from IRS that I owed money. I Attached the letter from IRS. Please help me. I do not have money to pay a lawyer to locate the case for me. I never ask for help, I am so ashamed to ask for help. I am buried with debts, I can not afford to help my family. My monthly bills are: rent is 2225.00, my water bill is 56.00 and my light bill is 99.00. School is almost started on August 10th, I do not know what I am going to do. Thank you so much for reading about my situation.
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