Hello, I’m in need of help trying to get my wife a new wedding ring set for our upcoming 10th year wedding anniversary next month. I was trying to save up enough money to get her the type of ring that she could be proud to show others, but due to my job having so many layoffs throughout the year, and bills, and the fact that I have the only income coming in right now it’s become near impossible to do. She loves the set that she has now, but I want to get her something new for this milestone of 10yrs being married. If I could give her the world I would, but at this point in time I just need some help in putting a smile on her face for our special day to come. I also wanted to be able to take her on a nice vacation, but for the same reasons we have not been able to go on a vacation since covid hit. But right now I would just like to be able to put a newer wedding set on her finger. It’s really been a struggle making ends meet with one income, but we make due with what we have and move on. But like I said before, this is a milestone for the both of us and I really want to do this for her because she so deserves it. She doesn’t work right now due to health issues, but she does all that she can to make sure that I’m taken care of. I think that she’s a wonderful woman, and I’m blessed to have her as my wife, and I want the opportunity to show her just how much I love, and appreciate her. I just need some help getting that done right now. Although things are a bit tight right now, I still try to do little things for her to make her happy. We don’t get to travel like we used to when we first got married, but we still try to do little road trips every now and then just to do something new and exciting. She’s trying to plan out our day to make it nice by having us take selfies with backdrops, and trying to figure out where we can go for dinner, and maybe a movie. Since I’m actually off this year for our anniversary she wants us to be able to celebrate the entire day. Even though she doesn’t bring any money in, with the exception of keeping children from time to time, she’s still trying to do what she can for us. She’s even put aside some money to get me a new ring.I haven’t been able to do the same for her, due to trying to pay for daily expenses and bills. So I’m asking, please find it in your heart to help me if you will. The ring that I have picked out for her is $2,000.00, and that’s with my veterans discount.
Thank you. Paypal.me/MelvinMotley , or Cashapp $MelvinMotley