Dear Sir or Ma’am,
My name is Truman Woodyard. I am a 61 year old veteran of the U.S. Air Force (1984-1988).and proudly served my country. I live in Texas, and presently work for the Veterans Administration hospital in Houston. I am writing you concerning a need I have. I have medical coverage through the V.A. and all my medical needs are covered except my dental. I have currently lost 7 teeth and all my crowns on my to my top teeth. I have been told by my dentist at Monarch dental that I should have them all pulled and have implants done, As I do not have 33,000, this is way beyond my means.
If there is anyone out there who would be willing to contribute to my cause, I would greatly appreciate it; Or at least point me in the direction of a dentist that could give me implants at a good discount, or possibly a dental grant organization.
My deepest appreciation,
Truman R, Woodyard