Thank you for your time .I just found out im going to be a grandma at 40 years old. I havent seen my son since he was 15 he is 20 now. I live in florida and he lives in ohio.I have to go to see the birth in December. Im so imbarrassed because almost all of my teeth are broken to the gum and my gums are growing over them. Its to the point that I can not eat anymore.. my front right tooth and over are mosty gone . All my molars are broken and I literly have Two teeth left and they are slowely going too.have no insurance most my life ..when I was young I had pretty teeth and my son has not seen me like this ..if I dont get them fixed I wont get to see my grqndbaby be born. And I want more than anything to be there! Please help me get my teeth out and get dentures so I can eat and get my confidence back and see my family in December when my sons baby is due. Thank you for your time and donations.. my facebook jessica rowland-onlyfans Cashapp $blessedjess2022