I went into my local Western Dental office. Located in Santa Ana, CA. In need of a couple extractions. I hated the dentist and only went because it was effecting my day to day life gradually wearing me down. Unfortunately, I did not leave my dental appointment in better condition than when I arrived. Instead I left hurt, confused and dealing with issues that could have been avoided, had the dental staff been competent.
Any professional in this industry would of been able to diagnosis this condition with out any modern technology, on eye site alone. But there is this unspoken industry standard that is = Professionals often engage in the most rudimentary practices. Not as step in the diagnosis phase. More of A “easy pay day” from insurance providers. A common and grossly abused standard in todays economy.
Back to my story – I provided insurance information along with up to-date charts of my dental history. Consisting of a diagnosis of my current condition, supported by x-rays and detailed notes from previous caregivers. The extractions should of been preformed on this day or shortly after. All insight I shared was ignored.
Alternatively, a lengthy “new patient” process began. Requiring multipule visits and unnecessary charges to my insurance provider. October 27, 2022. This visit consists of WDS taking “their” x-rays. That ultimately produces an identical diagnosis as the one provided. This “common practice” was directly responsible for delaying treatment of my periodontal disease for multipule weeks.
During those weeks and for the last eight months I have been suffering. I was led to believe this would be done by a oral surgeon. Also with the aid of an Anesthetist. Which I was under the impression I paid up front for in the amount of $590.00. Instead the general dentist barbarically removed all 16 bottom teeth during one sitting. Administering nothing more than local anesthesia. After a short time, I begin feeling a great deal of resistance. I reacted as such by flinching. I was told “only two remaining”. I braced myself as the dentist placed his knee in my lap to provide more leverage and or to restrain me from another convulsion to complete the task. I could hear and feel the nerve damage happen instantly as he ”pushed thru to the finish line.”
It was at this point I began to question competency. I went into the office in extreme pain accompanied with a high anxiety level. I expected transparency and a higher standard of care
As my gums began to heal, I went in the office for what I believed to be a routine check up, monitoring the sutures for removal. To my surprise a young lady was prepping me for surgery. Wait what surgery ?! I exclaimed. She responded puzzled “implants” and gave a brief description of her work order. This young lady I had never met. She never introduced herself. Never spoke of her qualifications or education, nothing. “I don’t let total strangers implant anything into me.” I said in all seriousness. I left without receiving any treatment that day.
Yet days later, I was billed for the treatment. That Week, I began receiving harassing phone calls from Western Dental Services billing department, almost daily. I continued to receive these phone calls until I was forced to change my phone number in march of 2023. Over 4 months I received countless of unjust calls. At times I would get two calls a day. I would request a supervisor to discuss non payment, they would hang up. During that week I visited the office on a few occasions to ask for any and all paperwork regarding my case. Why am I receiving these calls? The state was paying for my extractions. The dentist had an obligation to provide me with treatment and failed.
I wanted to know what was my money used for? I needed a copy of any services rendered by Western Dental. I was denied that request on more than one occasion. I still have not received a copy of Charts # 86869 & 86923. I was flat out being ignored. The next day I was locked out of the lobby and confronted in a threating manner by the male staff. All the while, I am asking about the suture removal. I was told numerous times “they will dissolve or that the doctor was not in, he is out of town.” They started making false claims that I was hostile and confrontational.
November 16 2022. I entered the WDS office in the most oral pain I ever experienced. I plead with them to have the stiches removed. As it was clear they had not begun to dissolve. I was shocked by the over all lack of urgency. Again another trip left in the waiting room with no positive outcomes. A young hygienist ineffectively attempted to remove them. In the process inflicting more nerve damage. As the semi healed state of the task at hand was out of her scope. She stopped and assured me they will dissolve.
Maybe there was a language barrier. Being a minority in the community, I noticed a slight sense of discrimination. Not just from the dentist but also dental hygienists and other dental professionals. Each time I would go, I would ask for but never receive any administrative support. No proper paperwork, receipts, summery of work. Just the large bills, I was now being harassed for.These instances were happing so regularly, I began recording each visit. I plan on sharing those audio conversations as well.
I keep hoping they were right and the sutures would absorb. They never did even slightly. This incomplete treatment is now starting to take up so much of my time, its effecting all aspects of my life. February 28 2023 I went as far as going to the Emergency Room, now beyond dental pain. I am physically and mentally exhausted from constant pain. I begged them to remove the sutures!! By this point they are no longer visible, as the extraction points are fully healed. The lead E.R. Doctor and myself spoke of my situation candidly. Without hesitation he stated “in his experience sutures using a black silk material was not dissolvable and required removal”. I plan to provide general reference links
He then referred me to an oral surgeon. The time I’m spending away from work to correct this, is increasing far beyond what I think anyone would expect. Now I’m searching for oral surgeons and respectable dental practices to help me. After going to three different dental practices and explaining my situation at length, I was repeatedly told “they didn’t want to be held responsible for damages, caused from fixing WDS mistakes”. One doctor said and I quote “It is a going to be a bloody mess, and best performed by a specialist”. Other advice given, Return to the responsible party who put them in.
During this time, I was in contact with Elaine Salcido the Senior Manager, Quality Management Department WDS corporate office. As I filed a Grievance Case # 60687 was now being looked into. After multipule conversations with Elaine WDS. I decided to go see the person responsible for these sutures. December 6, 2022. I again visit the WDS Santa Ana office. This time to much of my surprise I was allowed the opportunity to speak directly with the DDS. I asked, How can we go on with finishing treatment? As the sutures never came out and I can still feel them. I watched day by day as the gums healed over them, Hoping I was wrong and they would in fact dissolve. They never did even slightly.
He responded with “they had dissolved, I was not feeling the material still present, but scar tissue from the over worked area.” I suppose that is a nice way of saying – it is from the material, I never retrieved and the nerve damage it caused. He continued “If they were still present, I would see the black silk material.” I believe that statement was contradictive, He did not have a second thought about lying to me, while telling on himself at the same time. Any dental professional will admit by this time, the area would have been fully healed.
He must of assumed, I would get use to the nerve damage and getting out of this situation was easier for me to suffer, than it was for him to admit negligence. I ask the question, If they were dissolvable, why schedule me back at all? I left right then felling defeated. Knowing he would never admit responsibility to me.
For the last eight months, I’ve been trying to get back to my normal life. I have been hindered by unprofessionalism, upper-management mistakes, false statements and red-tape every step of the way. It has truly been mentally, physically and financially damaging. Emotionally Exhausting and at times just embarrassing. In comparison to what anyone would expect in a similar situation at any other facility, Needless to say, I received unprofessional and inattentive subpar treatment.The choice to not properly administer anesthesia and the failure to properly treat my condition, combined with the lengthy process of getting input back from WDS corporate officials created the following issues.
1) Missed work. due to time off to recover and again later trying to make the appropriate corrections.
2) I became unable to continue my duties at work effectively. My speech suffered. I could no longer clearly pronounce much of the industry vernacular. Causing confusion and leading to mistakes being made in the field. Effecting my confidence to properly communicate. Limiting my interactions with current and future customers. Directly impacting my potential for wages earned.
3)I have also suffered personally, my diet has been greatly altered leading to other digestive issues I had to seek medical treatments for. In the form of enema and colonic procedures being administered. Impacting my sexual life and ultimately depression.
I feel not only is the DDS. responsible for the care and treatment of my condition but also WDS as a whole responsible for this outcome. With the administrative delays, false statements from everyone I interacted with at that office, inappropriate collection of funds and length of time for the refund of said funds, ultimate Responsibility and Accountability for a staff member’s malpractice as well as for their own negligence falls on WDS. As employers and should be held vicariously liable for actions their staff take when performing work duties
After correction I do plan on pursuing legal action against Western Dental. Of course that will required unbudgeted funding as well and with statutes of limitations only working in their favor, well see how that pans out.
If your still with me on this, I want to sincerely thank you for your time and consideration. For those of you that have the means to help, I will never be able to put into words the impact your kindness has had on me. I plan to keep you posted and any donation will receive a picture of me grinning ear to ear for the new lease on life. Bless you.
my paypal can be accessed – paypal/locoohcho