Hello, Everyone.
This is a really tough post. I have had a tough go of it, as most of us have throughout our lives. I grew up without much and in chain with that we couldn’t afford much healthcare wise. My dental condition has declined fairly significantly and it’s starting to affect my health. I have worked hard to get to a place where I could at least live paycheck to paycheck, and through working hard hoped that I could find a place that I could just be financially stable enough to afford it. I haven’t been able to smile in 15 years, and now I am afraid of the damage it has done. After seeing my doctor I was warned about heart disease that comes with bad dental conditions. I just want to be able to be healthy again, smile again, and live a life as long as I can. I worked for a company for four years that got me really close to being out of a hole, and to a place where I could finally take care of my health. That company went bankrupt in October of 2022 that put my family behind on everything we have to pay. Our rent, our bills, and COVID only added to that. I finally found a job, paying a lot less, in January but we just can’t catch up. I am hoping that this is something worthy of asking for help. I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t see any other options. I am eternally grateful for any and all help, and I am praying for the opportunity that I can give back in the future. Even for just reading this, if you do, thank you for all of those out there helping those in need.