I had an unfortunate situation occur recently. I had my top front tooth break off after biting into an apple. I have had issues with my top upper teeth since early childhood. My mom says since I was very active as a young child, I used to like running and jumping from the couch to the floor and one day my face hit the hard floor surface causing dental damage on my upper teeth. Ever since that unfortunate situation it’s been challenging to maintain good healthy upper teeth.
The dentist said that the remaining piece of tooth is severely damaged and would need to have it extracted and put in a dental implant that cost $5,000. I am the only one working to help support my family. My wife stays home with our little toddler. I am a social worker and it’s a rewarding job, but I barely make enough to cover our current bills. I am the one typically helping others in need, but now I am in a desperate situation needing assistance. There are other dental issues going on with me such as a wisdom tooth needs to be pulled out, another tooth is a bit chipped that needs to be replaced, but the biggest most visible concern is to put a dental implant to prevent future embarrassment and help boost my confidence at work and with family.
I would greatly appreciate any help I can get from you. If I get this dental implant done it would help my work and family life. Having the dental implant will allow my little daughter, wife, and family to see me with a nice smile and can take pictures that can create lasting memories. Instead of hiding my smile, I am embarrassed to show my missing tooth or wear a face mask. I will also be able to work more effectively at work knowing I will have a secure dental implant and have a normal smile. I am a social worker who has over 60 clients and I help kids get therapies to assist them with their development, since they have some form of delay. Please help me regain my smile, confidence, and happiness.
Any form of contribution will be greatly appreciated and will make a positive impact in my life along with those around me. I wish you many blessings and for your contribution to multiple 10 fold.
My PayPal.me account is: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/hector20721
Warmest Regards,