So, my “roundhouse” bridge fell off as ALL of the teeth anchoring it as crumbled. Over the years I have had it sectioned due to broken painful teeth under it. I have ground the porcelain to the metal. It is being held in by Fixodent for many months now. I am a 26-year chair-side dental assistant. The dental industry only offers us a 15 to 30% discount on dental work given to employees. [FYI: 26 years ago we dental employers only had to pay lab fees]. Hence how I got it in the first place. For the past 10 years, I have been bumped off the cleaning schedule to make room for their pts. I lost my job in February 2023 and attempted to collect unemployment. Upon doing so, I was blocked from even applying for unemployment because of a fraudulent claim. I have proven my identity and case yet as of today, 07/07/2023, I am still UNABLE to even APPLY. My mortgage is behind, and all bills & credit cards. My credit score dropped to the low 400s. Totally embarrassing, but I really need help.