All my life I have had dental problems, I have spent thousands of dollars on my teeth and it seems every dentist has scammed me out of money but have not came through with quality dental work. This is devastating to me, I now only have two upper teeth and they are deteriorating quickly and soon will be falling out. It’s very difficult to eat especially around family and friends. Not only is it hard to eat the things you like but it affects your overall appearance and people tend to judge you on the reasons your teeth are in the condition they are in. I’m very depressed about the state of my teeth because I’ve always tried to take the very best care of them and nothing I’ve done has helped it seems. Im really wanting to get full upper implants but the cost is out of my reach which leaves me in despair, my teeth situation is all I can think about and I’m constantly trying to come up with how I could come up with the money. Unfortunately I’ve not been able to come up with a solution to my dilemma . The cost is all over the place, the least expensive Ive been able to find is in the ballpark of $20,000, I would be so grateful if I could get the money to fund this procedure. I could feel like myself again and not hide behind the scenes because of being embarrassed about my teeth.You don’t realize how something like this can make a person feel so low and like a complete failure. My mother has been hopeful that I could get this procedure done but does not realize the huge expense this is, my mother is now at the age of 85 years old with failing health. I would love to be able to surprise her one day before her passing with some new teeth and be able for her to see me smile again.Of course like all mothers she is very concerned about my overall health with the condition my teeth are in. As we all know there are many health problems that stem from having bad teeth. The number one condition is heart disease and many digestion problems from not properly being able to chew your food properly. Having bad teeth also limits the kinds of food a person can eat and enjoy. This makes it difficult when your working or in any social setting to be able to get a quick bite to eat, its time consuming and needs to be well planned out when you have a limited amount of time allocated for break or lunch with your employer. This is all so frustrating especially since dental insurance will not pay to get implants or any teeth replacement and dental costs are astonomicall and the cost only seems to be going up. I cry daily about my situation not that it helps but I’m just very saddened that its so difficult to get a medical procedure done like this when I work hard just to pay the basic bills I have to survive in the world today. The costs of everyday essentials just keep going through the roof and it makes it harder and harder for the average person to survive. I found this page on accident, I’m very hopeful this can help me. I’m going to pray this can happen for me really soon because from day to day I’m not knowing what will happen with my teeth.