Hi, my name is Kristi Scott. I am a single, disabled, 45 yr old woman. I live on Social Security Disability which is $1200 a month. My rent is $800 a month, which leaves me with $400 to pay the rest of my bills, co-pays for Dr. visits and prescriptions, gas, groceries, and toiletries. The transmission went out on my van and it’s going to cost $3,600 to fix it. I really need my van to be fixed as soon as possible because I have many Dr. appointments to go to. I don’t have any money in savings because my money runs out well before the end of the month, so there is nothing left to save. I have COPD-Emphysema, a lung disease that makes breathing very difficult for me. I also have Fibromyalgia, which causes chronic pain throughout my entire body. These 2 conditions make it very difficult, if not impossible, for me to use any kind of public transportation or to get in and out of someone’s vehicle that is either a little lower or higher than my minivan. My family cannot help me, I’ve already asked. I cannot get a loan either for the repairs or for a different vehicle since I don’t have the budget for a monthly payment. I would very much appreciate and be forever grateful to anyone and everyone who can find it in their hearts and wallets to help me out. I may not ever be able to pay it forward financially, but I will most certainly do it with kind actions. Thank you for taking the time to read my little story. Have a blessed day.