Hello – to whomever finds this message wherever you are. Thank you for taking this time here with me.
I am a father of two wonderful young boys, ages 4 and 1. I enjoy every moment of watching them interact with life. I am also married to the best mother on the planet. I am the main bread winner, but I watch my wife daily with amazement on how she handles taking care of the home and our children. I work hard of course myself, but always wish I could do more for her and the boys.
My wife has an SUV that has served us well over the years, but has recently taken damage to the motor and we were quoted close to $10,000 for repairs. With still catching up on our back mortgage from when Covid originally hit (2020) and our day to day expenses I find myself just not able to keep up with providing a safe vehicle for my family to drive. The boys love to ride in the car and just see scenery around the area or take naps! We have one vehicle that gets us from A to B, but I really want to surprise my wife with a fully repaired vehicle for her to drive or purchase her something a little newer that is reliable. She deserves something that gives her comfort and peace of mind while also giving me peace that my family is in something that is safe when they are on the road. The cars just seem to keep breaking down. Her Saturn SUV broke a 2nd timing belt which damaged more of the motor and has left our main vehicle inoperable. We love the truck itself as it is all-wheel drive perfect for the winters where we are located, but the repairs are extensive at a time when our funds are not.
Married my high school sweetheart and would give her the world if I could.
Thank you for your consideration.