Hello hi how are you my name is Euril Burks and a couple of months ago I was visiting a friend at their house not driving or braking any. Type of laws at all my car was parked in a designated parking area and everything while I was visiting my friend they leaving. To go to the store to get some items she said I can take a shower so that is what I was getting ready to do when she calls me from out side saying that the police are looking at my car so I go to look at my car and I see them looking around it and I ask is their a problem and they proceed to tell me that my car was stolen but it was not I purchased my car from a friend who was the original owner of the car and they said that didn’t report stolen or nothing back to the situation so after the police told me that it was reported stolen and then i tell them give me one second to get my belongings out of the car and proceed to go get a bag so I can get my. Stuff out of the car and before I could make it back down to my. Car they had it on the truck and would not let me get anything out of it and like a week goes by and I get a letter in the mail from.tje tow company saying they want me to pay. Them 800$ to get my car back that has all my personal belongings in it all because the moment I was living in my car so if anybody is willing to. Help me get a vehicle it it would be greatly appreciated and help get back in the right path to sobriety and and getting back and forth to work I appreciate all that took the time to read my story anything you can do will help thank you 🙏