Hi. My name is Darnell Duncan. I am a 41 yr old man who is having a hard time getting things back on track. I currently work part time at a gas station and seeking a better job. My income isn’t much. I have anxiety and depression which causes me to tremor at times. That causes me to lose some decent positions when these attacks happen. Due to the company don’t want to be reliable if I get hurt. I am limited on some positions for work. I have a 2013 Dodge Avenger SE that i currently only owe $1450 from $7000. I have had my car for 2 years now. I have put a fair amount of money into the car because it is a good running car. Once I am able to pay off the rest of the car, hopefully some better opportunities become available. I currently am an independent contractor only for a year. And I’m adjusting to being my own boss as well. There are a few major things I want to get done for my car so that I don’t have to worry about them. I keep up with the regular maintenance for the car. I just need some help with maintaining the car and the rest of my bills as well. I am working on my credit as well. Would love to become a homeowner in the near future. As well as becoming work from home worker. Which is my dream job. I know this may be a little crazy, but I am asking for any help possible. I don’t know exactly the amount that’s needed. But anything will help. If possible, anywhere from $7,000 to $20,000 would be a great start to getting things paid off and back on track. I am grateful and thankful for any help/donation. I am going to continue to apply myself and continue to be thankful for what I do have now. Things could always be worse. So, in conclusion I thank you for your time and reading this. And for any help that is received. My accounts are: Cash App: $Trewest40 PayPal: paypal.me/DarnellDuncan