Our car needs an urgent repair. The turbo needs to be replaced and the contact pad is cracked.
An estimate of the cost of this would be around 1800 € or more.
It’s a good car from 2007 that we bought second hand.
We cannot afford this repair ourselves because I have been ill with Lyme for more than 20 years and I can not work any more, I’m 58 and my husband is retired.
But we do need the car urgently because I have to go to the doctor regularly and I can’t go by public transport because it’s too painful and tiring for me. It is also difficult for my husband because he already does a lot of housework that I cannot do.
My immune system also does not work well due to Lyme, which means that a common cold, for example, does not heal quickly. We also have pets that regularly have to go to the vet for examination because there is one with a glandular disorder that we have to give medication 2 times a day. And there is another one that needs to be examined for an illness. We also need the car to go shopping for our daily needs because not all shops are around here.
Can a good person with a good heart help us out with this please?
We are grateful for any help we can get.