my name is robin, i chose this photo to share with you because right afte this photo was taken i had Massive Stroke.You see i was born with Lupus no one knew until happen. I literally fought for 3yrs to walk.It basically knocked out of a wonderful career.I’m an entrepreneur.I also Onwed “”Nicole Couture Fashions” with my Dad,he was my righthand. I asked God to give something TO LIGHT UP MY HEART.
This Inventionis what he gave is being trade mark and Patented i feel so blessed already. Ihave started and produced my prototype,Research, marketing. This 1 pc of will be part of 2.5 Billion Dollar. This one hair product will produce in 12 Colours, 7 hair type for Bone Straight to the tightest coil. With 3 Densities. The monies that will covers mentionted and i have very high for manufacturing in these 3 Phases,
Phase I research, protype marketing being to 49 Beauty Companies.
phase II Manfacturing of all of the weft catagories.
phase III OWN Storefront, sell online ecommerce,to actually having Hair Events in Partner stores.I am asking for 50,000 -100,000 to get me up and running.
I would like to Offer 10% of this exciting new venture.
May You Continually be Blessed,
Thank for Reading my Work Plan