I am seeking business capitol in order to purchase new equipment in order to repair more band instruments for the Houston and surrounding areas. I own a band instrument repair shop in the Houston area.
I currently have an ultrasonic cleaning tank but require a bigger one in order to clean tubas. Tubas are one of the instruments that don’t get cleaned regularly by school districts because they are one of the more pricy instruments to clean. They are pricey due to the time and effort needed to clean it properly.
If an instrument isn’t cleaned on a regular basis (at least once a year), it can cause health problems. Think about a student that has lunch right before band. That student is basically blowing their lunch into the instrument. If it isn’t cleaned at least once a year, that instrument is given to another student the next year and the cycle continues. There is stuff growing in that instrument that could cause the student some health problems. I want to solve that problem.
I am asking for $50,000 in order to purchase the machine and other tools needed for the business and marketing to let those school districts know we are available to help them out.