Anyone who is led by the spirit not emotion..may my story tug on your heart to help in anyway
Not the best writer in the world so bare with me..I’m a strong believer in God n I believe anything is possible in his name. amen. never been the type that goes lookin for a had out or felt like I needed one
But I’ve reached a point where I need a little help
My Mom died from breast cancer in March of 2021..she kept it a secret from me n my brothers n sisters until the last 2weeks of her life..left us with nothin but the word of God,which I stuck to..she didnt have burial insurance n it ended up being a ugly family feud on how she was gonna get buried and what type of burial it was gonna be casket or cremation..majority wanted the other who sided with cremation.. they stole my moms body n cremated her behind our most of the family didn’t show up to the funeral because of the feud.then couple months later my dad died,he hit his head at a party ,went home n just decided to sleep it off n never woke up the next morning..I’m not sure if he left me anything but their’s still a legal battle goin on between family about material possessions..didnt dig to deep in to it..because I’m just the type that goes with the flow of life ..I keep it what God has for me it is for me..So couple months after that. ..back to back, cousin died at a party from a heart attack,Aunt had throat cancer died, right after my other aunt mysteriously died still dont know how..step dad i think heart problems..n all this in the middle of the pandemic.. had no chance to really give them individually because of how fast everything was happening I take care of two kids both asmathic and my other half is dealing with health issues we just can find a diagnosis for what’s really going on…Me… I’m a hard workin praying man that let nothing in this life stop me from pushin on n believing In my dreams.when my mom was alive she knew how much I loved to roller skate,even when we were low on money after paying the bill.she would still make miracles happen for me..she would see me sitting outside on the stairs just thinking about life n staying out of she would scrape up her last or whatever change she had that was laying around so I could go to the skating rink…those are the moments that are now burnt into my memory till this day…So God has led me to start a business where i give back n celebrate roller skaters and and Interview them to get there story on how n why they started in a lil debt at the moment 72,000 in debt n the reason why I say little is because my faith is strong n nothing is to big for God..i owe Boutwell and Associates law firm File# 101-4965 If u want to help. This situation is due to my car accident that I had an out of body experience In 2010 which led me to this situation…All I’m askin for is 5000-10,000 to get my business started thank u.
And my God Richly bless u with flavor n long life .amen