I would like to make a leap into a new business venture. An exciting opportunity has crossed my path. In order to get started, I need about $7500. It is a business in the personal development field and I feel very called to do this. I have always been on a path of personal development and growth. I am always reading books, attending classes, and listening to content on these subjects. I feel that it is my life path to not only continue on my own spiritual path, but to inspire and help others to grow and evolve as well. In this way, I can do my part to make the world a more beautiful, loving place.
For many years I have been a language teacher. I have taught English as a Second Language, Spanish, and French. I have taught all ages, from elementary to middle school, high school, and even adults. I used to feel quite fulfilled and energized as a teacher. However, this school year has been the most challenging year of my life.
In September I took a teaching job in Palm Springs. I had never visited this city, but I felt the need to take a teaching job in the States after living in Mexico for more than two years. I decided to try a new place and I had positive expectations for my new life. Unfortunately, this school year has come with many unexpected hurdles.
First of all, there had been a substitute teacher before I arrived who had allowed students to be on their phones, listen to music, and eat as they pleased. When I started the job and tried to implement classroom management so that I could actually teach them Spanish, it was serious backlash as I learned that there are no actual enforced procedures for discipline at the school. In addition to this, I have huge class sizes of extremely unruly and disrespectful 9th and 10th graders. One class even has more than forty students. My days are so intense and filled with so much overstimulation from the toxic environment, I have felt as if my life is just an empty shell of existence. To make it even harder, the students are really mean and can get away with all kinds of verbal abuse. They also steal everything and have threatened me. Some mornings it is really difficult not to cry on my way to school. When I leave school, I usually need to just sit in silence and decompress from the day. I have also been experiencing health issues including elevated blood pressure that sometimes begins before I leave for school and lasts until after I leave.
Besides the challenges at work, Palm Springs is a tourist destination. Therefore, finding a home has been more challenging than I have ever experienced. I have moved homes four times since September. I had a very unprofessional realtor that overcharged me. Plus, he moved me around two extra times and put me in a moldy, dirty place filled with junk. He also passed off extra fees every month for wildfire related issues on the electric bill in addition to my actual usage. I asked all of my neighbors and I am the only one I know who was stuck paying those fees. Basically, since September, I have had three different short-term leases and I have also stayed in three different hotels. It has not felt very much like home.
Needless to say, I am doing my best to keep afloat and make the best of each day. However, I feel a strong desire to make some serious changes. I miss having personal peace. I miss feeling good. I miss having energy. I go to bed at 9:00PM every night and wake up at 5:00AM. On the weekends, I am so exhausted that I still go to bed at 9:00, but if I don’t set an alarm, I am sleeping past 7:00AM because I am just so depleted of energy. I know that this is no way to live and I know I should not continue to work such a draining job in a city where I can’t find a decent place to live.
I would really like to start getting my new business going and move back to Mexico. I know there is more to life than what I have been experiencing this year and I know I have to take a leap of faith. I can see myself thriving and being of service to others, helping them to overcome challenges and become the best versions of themselves. This is why I am here making this post, because I would really like to jump into this business opportunity in personal development. I truly believe that it is aligned with my higher purpose and that I can help many more people by taking this path.
I am extremely grateful for all donations toward my new business venture and my new life. I believe that the world is a helpful, friendly place filled with wonderful people and I am ready to evolve into the next phase of my life so I can shine my light even brighter to help make the world a more magical place!