To start this off, thank you for reading this. I never imagined I would be asking for money online from strangers, but I guess there’s a first for everything.
To lay it all out; I am stuck, and very desperate. I have debt, quite a bit of it. And it’s drowning me. On top of that, late last year I had to stop working due to my mental health rapidly spiralling to the point I almost admitted myself to a psychiatric hospital. Thankfully my family found me help and I am on the mend, but now I feel awful as they paid for my therapy – which is not cheap AT ALL – while they themselves were struggling financially at the time too.
Since I am not working at the moment, I am obviously getting no money, so paying rent and bills is getting very difficult as my savings is just getting lower and lower.
The rest of my debt is student loan, vet bills and money owing to my parents. Regarding the vet bills, which I want to pay my parents back for, a car hit both of my dogs last week and didn’t stop. They both needed surgery and thankfully both are still alive. However every time I see them, I am reminded of the money I need to pay back to my parents. I really need to pay them back. I love them both immensely and wish to get ahead so it’s not hanging over my head every second of the day.
If you have read this far, thank you.
Anything helps, even if it’s just $1.
My PayPal link : https://paypal.me/helpmydogs1?country.x=NZ&locale.x=en_US