To the Kind Strangers out there.
I’m begging/asking for help from the kind people of the BeggingMoney site to help me take care of my sweet baby girl, an Australian Cattle Dog, named Dasie. I want to hire help that will go through the motions of taking care of Dasie with me. I feel like I’m alone in taking care of Dasie because everyone in my family is busy with their own things. My stepfather, himself, found out he has cancer two weeks ago. Also, I need the money to help take her to the clinic/hospital and meds when needed, a cart to cart her around so that she won’t be stuck in the bedroom lonely and afford food that will be good for her. It will also be good to have someone around her while I have to do some housework and learn how to run a CNC and wood working (want to start a small business in woodworking, I currently have no income) I don’t want her to ever be alone at this time of her life. I want to At Least pay 2k a month, 500 a week, to the person who will help me. I am requesting to hire help for at least one to two months if not three. I’ll take what I can get. Thank you in advance if you give me the ability to do so. But even if I can get money just for the hospital bills, I would be really grateful.
My 14 year old Blue Heeler has tumors, bad teeth, arthritis and currently can’t stand. A doctor had said that even if we paid 20k to do her surgery, she may pass soon after… or won’t last long? Hm, now I don’t remember what exactly he said. So I had decided I will go full on home treatment and try to keep her comfortable as much as I can. Even if it’s too late to try to heal her, I have to try and let her be around family.
Dasie came into my life through the efforts of my youngest brother when he was about 10 years old. He had named her Dasie Ninja Dog. My father got him a pup, Dasie, but the apartment we lived in did not allow dogs. After I left that apartment to rent on my own, I took Dasie with me because that apartment allowed dogs. My father was not able to move to a different apartment yet so it landed on me to take care of her. As time went by, she just became my doggo. I did not want a dog because I was a coward to feel pain when they will pass after loving them for their lifetime. But I had kept her because she is family and grew to love her deeply.
I had thought that the Vet cost was super expensive and just realized last year that you can do at home treatments on some ailments. I remember when she was 10, the white of her eyes swelled and we called an animal hospital to inquire and they quoted that just to see her, the price started at $500. We did not have that amount and that incident had set firmly into my mind that the vet is super expensive.
If I had realized that the vet was not too bad of a cost in other offices, if I had realized that some ailments and upkeep can be treated at home, if I was not so entrapped in the thought that cost is so much and had a ‘poor mans’ thinking, my Dasie wouldn’t be this bad by now. I blame myself but I also realize that it’s been done and just do what I can. My baby did make it to 14 years old. Though, I hope for another year or two at least. I wish for her to pass in her sleep of old age, not because of ailments. I found this site and I am trying it out hoping that maybe there really are good people out there looking at our stories and deciding to help us.
I did not set a money goal (but maybe 10k. If I may be so much bolder and ask for 20k?) because I want as much as people can give me to help her. Also, because I am not sure of the vet price for some things for her (like her painful teeth and x-rays). If I can start to make my own money with in the three months somehow, and I am able to support her, and if I actually have left-over money, I will bring the money back into the BeggingMoney site for other furry babies that needs help along with my own donations. My appreciation to those who help others.
Please help me help Dasie.
Thank you.