Hello, My Uncle and I purchased two goslings and we are to share the cost of living for them 50/50. I rent a room in my uncle’s house. The goslings are kept in the backyard during the day. The goslings are 14 weeks now and they are big. My uncle has gotten abusive towards them as they get bigger. He doesn’t do things to them when I’m around. He is a carpenter by trade, retired and does odd and end jobs to keep busy. He also does jobs around his house. He started to leave things out and in the grass in the backyard. I pick up everything I see to keep them safe. He was putting in some light fixtures in the backyard and left out electrical wiring and nuts and bolts. Certain metals are toxic to baby geese. Daffy had become lethargic and not eating. I took him to the vet and he ate a electrical wire. Daffy had to have surgery and my uncle refused to pay for half. He wanted me to put him to sleep which I could never do. I had to borrow the money. The cost was around $9000. That was for the surgery and the week and a half he was in the hospital. I brought Daffy back home and everything was fine. A week later Daffy wasn’t doing good. I took him back to the hospital they did a xray and he ate a electrical bolt. He has to have surgery again and it isn’t going to cost as much this time but it is going to be around $6000. He needs the surgery or he will die. I have found a rescue ranch I plan on taking him and Sylvester to when Daffy gets out of the hospital. I’m paying $250 a month for the first surgery and am going to be homeless because I can’t afford my rent anymore and my uncle is raising my rent $250 more than what I am paying now next month. PLEASE HELP!!! I need around $6000 for his surgery and hospital stay this time. If possible to give more so I can pay back the $9000 as well it would be greatly appreciated. A total of $15,000. But I only need $6000 for his surgery this time. Thank you in advance for your help. My PayPal.me/janeanregan