Recently, my sweet dog Rosie injured her front left paw. It was awful to see my dog in so much pain. I took her to an emergency veterinary hospital. xray`s of her injurys showed that she had fractured all of her metacarpels. The Vet said that she would have to have surgery in order to be able to walk with that paw.
All that could be done at this Vet was to wrap her leg and paw and give her pain meds. This injury would have to be done by a Vet that was an orthopedic surgeon.
Up until about two years ago my town had to find a Vet that had expertise in these kinds of surgerys . This was very difficult for pet owners to get help for their beloved pets that had painful injury
s and also causing even more stress for the pet when having to travel to get help.
I was so happy that now there is a place to have surgery that Rosie needed. The Veternarians in this area were well aware of the need for such a surgean in this area. They got backers to open up a surgery center with all the state of the art equipment. A Vet surgean travels to our town twice a week to care for the animals in my area. The staff are all so nice.
Costs from the surgery, the meds, and about 4 weeks of after care is expensive. It has cost me $4,000 This expense has caused me to fall behind in my rent and living expenses. My landlord is only able to allow me a little time to catch up on my payments,. I am in danger of loosing everything. I am only able to work part time as a in home care giver,I am 63 and have arthritis in my back. I dont like to ask for financial help but I dont know what else to do. I dont want to loose my home. If anyone can help me, I would be so thankful. Thank you for hearing my story, Sincerly, Christi
Paypal account Daltexgal5