I amm 55 yr old grandmother of two. I removed a boxer Mix puppy about 8 months ago. Her name is Abby and I love her more than anything. I’ve struggled to be able to save money to get her medical care. When I saw the ad online this lady had multiple different liters of puppies. I felt so sorry for the puppies. I was living by myself after 32 yrs of marriage. I caught my husband cheating on me. So I was tired of being alone but instead of having a man, I had decided to get a dog for company. I went to this ladies house she had a puppy mill without the parents on property. There was a small puppy ( boxer Mix) in the corner. The food and water bowls was empty, at least 14 puppies running around,plus American bull dog. She pulled kibble in bowl all dogs ran to bowl, small runt as she said couldn’t get to bowl. I chose to take the runt as she called her. . I brought her home she was starving. Within a week the dog had doubled in size. I’ve been able to feed, housing and love my dog. But after paying bills I cannot save enough to get her shots, rabies, spayed and neutered etc . I’m begging for help with funds to get Abby her care. She just went through her first cycle of going in heat, I bought doggie diapers. I did buy shots at tractor supply and had my son give to her. But I had only bought first two doses. Plz help me get veterinarian care.
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